So here I sit, thinking too hard as is usual. I have the late Tom Petty playing through my headphones, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers has always been happy music for me. Don’t know why, just is. Always makes me think of hot North Carolina nights. The sun just gone down behind the pines, stars like jewels out of some long lost hoard of treasure just starting to shine in the indigo sky, drinking ice cold beer with good friends who are not yet gone.
In hard times some folks shine, just like those stars in that long ago indigo sky.
If you’re in the healthcare business, especially all of you nurses out there, you are shining stars.
Should you be driving a truck full of food or medical supplies, stocking grocery store shelves, collecting the garbage, or any one of the myriad jobs that keep our society running, you too are shining stars.
If you are helping your neighbors, transporting groceries for our older folks, giving of your time in any way to help, you too are a shining star.
You have my admiration as well as my thanks, may your stars shine forever. I wish I could buy you all a cold beer on a long ago North Carolina evening with some Tom Petty on the jukebox.
Black Holes/Singularities
Stars when they use up all of their shine (if they ever had any to begin with) collapse in upon themselves. They become what is known as a black hole or as a singularity and suck in as much matter from their surroundings as possible. They warp gravity, time, and light, plus they can be very hard to detect.
A singularity in the human sense is the opposite of a shining star. These singularities selfishly want to cause discord, take as much as they can for as little as possible, and change the truth for their own ends. They care more about what they can get than what good they can do in the world. They do not care about you, your family, your neighbors, your friends… or really anything that does not directly benefit them or their twisted agendas, despite what they may say or promise.
Don’t be a singularity.
All of us on the star side of things should exercise our franchise as American citizens and vote all of the singularities out of office, and I mean all of them. Elect new officials, if they become singularities we can vote them out as well till we find some who will actually work for us, which is their job. If they are lesser singularities, those that want to profit from others pain, suffering and loss, lock them up, fight them, cause them as much pain as they are willfully causing others.
The singularities want you to fear and hate; it makes you easier to control. They will foster prejudice and wariness of the different, it is far easier for them to profit from discord and suffering than it is to promote goodwill and charity. Like any schoolyard bully they want to control by fear, it is our duty and responsibility to be fearless.
I suspect it may be time for me to put Tom Petty away and put on some Rage Against The Machine.
Happy Pictures
I could go on but that would be fruitless so I thought that I would try to give you a smile with some photographs. Since so many of you stars are stuck at home or are only getting short breaks between saving lives and the country, a little nature may ease your mind. Enjoy these wonderful places and sights, I certainly have. These photos were taken on the C&O Canal National Historic Park MD, Green Ridge State Park MD, and Fort Frederick State Park MD.
For any of you singularities that accidentally see this, it is not a shopping list of places to despoil for you or your compatriots nefarious ends.
I don’t fear you.
Trent Carbaugh, March 2020